Sunday, March 15, 2009

12 visitors, 28 candles, 4 plumbers & 6 teeth

Things have been going well around here. Over the course of the past few weeks we've had four of my parents and my sister come to visit us, along with a family from our Sovereign Grace Church in MN, who were here on vacation. We also had the pleasure of celebrating Joshua's 28th birthday with Mom, Terry and NAtalie at the Grand Hilton Resort where they were staying. We greatly enjoyed sitting by the pool and having drinks delivered to us upon request. 

Another exciting accomplishment for us all has been the arrival of six of Azariah's  baby teeth. I thought it was hard enough getting through the first two, yet God was only preparing us for the next four. It's been a growing process of many sleepless nights, tired days and fighting much sin that's come from my heart. Four have officially poked through, although his front two teeth are working there way through as we speak. Personally I kind of like his fangs.

Four plumbers you ask? Last thursday night we had plumbers at our house for nearly five hours as they worked to unclog a clog. Not just a clog however, a piece of lumber that was stuck in our plumbing, somewhere in one of our kitchen walls. They came back friday with a camara that located the lumber and then yesterday we had it removed. All that remains now is a nice sized hole in our dining room.

German Chocolate birthday cake at the hotel. Does Azariah look a little worried that he's going head first into the flames?

We also had ice cream cake at the office. One of Joshua's favorites!

And here's a picture of us with the Bydlon family after we showed them around our International Headquarters.

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