Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Being Rose's husband: a daily delight

Here are just a handful of reasons why:
1)  She cares for my needs before her own.
2) She adds flavor and something unexpected to each day.
3) She's a part of my foundation, that keeps me rooted in the things that truly matter.
4) Her love for her family has given me a fresh look in how i want to love my family.
5) There is always a fresh, homemade dessert or sweets of some sort in our home!
6) I understand more clearly how important decorating and keeping the home is to a woman.
7) Her love towards me is so consistent, pure and does not waiver.
8) She is willing to go anywhere God leads our family for the sake of the Gospel.
9) She knows more about me than anyone else.
10) She is the most creative and thoughtful person that I know.
11) She gave me an appreciation for: coffee, washing fresh produce with water & soap, Apple computers, whipping our own cream as opposed to cool whip, resting more rather than always doing & going, serving plates/dishes, decorative items in our home that there only use is for decoration, not worrying about little details so much.

Thank You Lord God, that in Your mercy, You chose Rose to walk alongside me all the days of our lives, until death parts us. 

1 comment:

The four of us said...

What a sweet blessing to wake up to! Thank you husband for the many ways you continue to encourage me...this was definitely one of them.