Monday, August 15, 2011

New conversations

Here's how the conversation went on the way home from the chiropractors office this morning: Evalyn throws her pacifier on the floor and says, "All gone." "Remember what we talked about," Azariah continues, "If you're going to throw your pacifier on the floor than your not going to have it for the rest of your life." "And remember what we talked're going to be a good listener today! Say yes Ma'am!" "Yes Ma'am," she quickly replies.

Oh how our days are filled with so much laughter.

On Sunday we were informed that Azariah was a great listener and helper. One boy jumped up on the couch in their classroom and Azariah quickly told him, "That is a BIG No Noooo! We need to sit on our bottoms."

I thought, ok, if he were a little older, he'd probably have gotten beaten up for telling someone that! But I guess for now we don't have too much to worry about.

He certainly is a social butterfly, no longer worried about staying next to us. It's become common that one minutes he's standing right next to me and the next he's gone. It's tough to carry on a conversation. So then we go looking....There he is up on stage with the band, putting away equipment and being instructed on what all the different pieces and cords are for.

Sound like Nick (my brother) when he was a boy. I believe his first word was transmission tower!

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