This is the title of a small group training tool that students involved with Campus Crusade for Christ are using on college and high school campuses. It is simple, practical and easily transferable. The guide is a thin, spiral bound notebook containing 24 lessons on the essential principles of relating to God and living the Christian life. And it is currently being used by God to not only help young Christians mature in their faith but also to reach many of those who have yet to be reached with the Gospel message.
So, how is ESSENTIALS different from any other small group guide or Bible study workbook you may have used? First, each lesson is just 1 page in length and follows the same outline; Connect, Hear, Apply and Tell. The leader begins by connecting with the needs of each person in the group in a few ways; asking how they are doing, praying for wisdom for God towards their time together and then sharing a statement relating to the lesson, for example "Relationships thrive on acceptance and assurance." The group leader then gives each person an opportunity to share how they have experienced this statement in their own lives. Next, we open the Bible and read about what God says about relationships and being assured in our relationship with Him. Again, this section is tailored more towards discussion rather than teaching. So the group leader gives others an opportunity to share what they have learned from the Bible about a particular topic or truth.
The last two parts have to do with personal life application and sharing what one has learned with others. The group leader may ask 1 or 2 questions to help the group members be thinking about how this applies to them. Finally, everyone is given an opportunity to share with whom they may tell in the days to come and the group members pray for one another before the session ends.
Essentials is free to download on this website: You will want to click on the "Essentials small group leaders guide tab in the middle of the page."
There have been a few videos created to accompany certain lessons and more videos are in the process of being filmed to accompany all 24 lessons. This tool is tailored made for reaching the Next Generation with the Gospel-- the related videos are helpful & intriguing!
If you would like any more information on Essentials, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Joshua for the Barta family